Read before signing up for class:

1) Please arrive at least 15 minutes before class starts.

2) If you purchase the 4-class pack please know that it can only be used by you, the person who purchased it. It is for YOGA CLASSES ONLY. It cannot be used for paddle lessons, night paddles, fireworks paddles, sunrise paddles, etc.  

3) Purchasing the 4-class pack does not automatically sign you up for classes, please make sure you are registered for each class you would like to take after purchasing the package deal. You can also purchase a single class, but not be registered for a specific class day/time. If you are unsure wether or not you are correctly signed-up, text Casey at 224-246-1885

4) If you do not see a sign-up button next to the class you would like to take, then the class is sold out. You should be able to see how many spots are open before you register. Please make sure there are enough open spots to accommodate your entire group. Each person in a party needs their own profile and needs to be signed up individually. Signing yourself up and buying multiple spots does NOT sign you up multiple times, it just buys you multiple classes to use in the future.

5) Standup and Flow has a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel within the 24-hour window before class, you will not receive a refund.

Refer to the FAQ page for more frequently asked questions.

June Schedule Live - May 15th
July Schedule Live - June 15th
August Schedule Live - July 15th
September Schedule Live - August 15th

Standup and Flow has a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel within the 24-hour window before class, you will not receive a refund.